Lib Soft - Library Software
1. Introduction:
LibSoft is complete automation software for the Library operations which have numerous and easily understandable features.
Library Management System is meant & developed to assign, catalog, search, and flow into all library collections together with books, CDs, video tapes, DVDs, documents, equipments, manage member/patron info etc. choices for media entry, author details, publisher details, provider details area unit provided. The system keeps track of the library circulation information together with media issue, come and reservation. It manages fee assortment, fine group action, generate missing/damaged material reports and far a lot of. on-line Public Access Catalog(OPAC) is an internet information of materials command by a library. Users search a catalogue in the main to find books and alternative material physically settled at a library.
This document provides all the features of LibSoft – A library Automation
2. Objective:
This document provides all the features of LibSoft – A library Automation
3. Features overview:
Book Accession:
Here user will add new books with respect to book name, Author, accession number, subject, receipt, date of purchasing, type of book, issue able or non issue able, Type of donors, vendor details etc.
Book circulation:
This feature is to perform the operations of issuing and collecting books. Lot many library organization feel this transaction process as tedious job. But Library management has made it easy for the user which tracks the info. User can issue new books to member, can see whether book is issued or not, can receive books with returned date info, can get delay info if member has returned after return date.
Stock checking and verification reports:
Libsoft will show the total num of books available in the library in this feature. User can get the reports w.r.t accession num, author, book name, donor type etc.
Daily transaction reports:
You will find the members to whom books are issued with issued and return date information.
Manage and maintain membership details:
User can add membership either for student or staff. He will specify information like Emp/Stu num, Department, Communication Address, How many books to be issued, Registration Date, Expiry Date, and specify password. A unique ID will be generated for the member using which he can access the features of Libsoft. User can search particular member and update their membership details also.
Latest Arrivals:
User can search the books by specifying date range. This will help user to get the book details month wise. User can search book by specifying book number and can update the status whether the book is missing or not. User will get missing book reports in missing book feature.
Library Guidelines:
User can specify library related notices, announcements, events, rules by mentioning date. He can edit the information also. This will be helpful for the members to know what all things are happening in library.
This feature is for all students and employees where they can search the books and can see what are the books issued to whom. There is facility called Raise Request where students/staff can raise request for new books, provide info of missing books, request for general info etc. And they can view the already raised requests with their status to avoid raising same request.
Important facility of LibSoft is that taking reports of all the features mentioned above in attractive formats which reduce the paper work and provide good impression for the visitors.
4. Conclusion:
LibSoft is 100% library automation software with powerful, secured database with back up facility that can manage and maintain millions of records.